An air purifier should not miss in your home. These tools are imperative because they help you get rid of pollutants, dirt, pet hair, and dust. These elements can be a cause of allergy and asthma complications. However, whichever the type, air purifiers always have to be fixed at some point.
You have to learn how they work, replacement tools, and what really goes on inside an air purifier. Sometimes, the GermGuardian won’t turn on and you have to figure out a quick fix or reset. It is not always about calling a specialist across town; you need to learn how to identify problems and possibly disassemble the whole air purifier to clean, replace, and test its performance.
Here is what you need to know concerning cleaning, identifying possible defects, and repairing your GermGuardian air filter.
How an Air Purifier Works
You won’t imagine how much dust is in your house. While we are used to blowing out dust that settles on surfaces, where we can see, there is more to these environmental pollutants. Honestly, I can’t explain where dust comes from to fill every cubic air particle. If we could see the amount of dust particles suspending in our living rooms and kitchen, we would have purifier after every few meters in the house.
GermGuardian air purifiers work on the following principle. Like most of other mechanical purifiers, air is drawn through a series of filters fitted between blades that mimic a squirrel cage. The filter has an extra layer that helps in removal of large particles.[adinserter block=”1″]
I know what you are thinking; the large part GermGuardianicles of sand can be easily removed. Large in this case is relative, you won’t see the large dust particles with your naked eyes.
Carbon and charcoal are your only options when using a GermGuardian air purifier, all of them help in removing pollutants causing unpleasant odors. When repairing and working on a GermGuardian won’t turn on issue, GermGuardian hepa reset and GermGuardian filter reset should be your first considerations.
What Can Go Wrong?
First, an air purifier is a machine. A machine, irrespective of its simplicity, breaks down occasionally. You can’t help when it comes to complications with devices; parts wear out hence need for replacement every other time.
GermGuardian reset should be more of a routine maintenance practice to your air purifier because you are bound to lose it. It requires proper and regular maintenance.
The simple reason can be a failure of electric cord. Also, the switch, motor, and fans fail. In some cases, the motor freezes and your GermGuardian air purifier won’t turn on. Another mechanical reason to failure of this essential gadget in your home is a loose fan. This can be after exposure to rigorous physical activity that affects positioning of the fan. Besides, regular use without maintenance practices can cause loosening and failure of the fan; GermGuardian filter reset is crucial.
Apart from this, the filters might be clogged with dirt. This still points back to regular and proper maintenance of your GermGuardian air purifier. The precipitating cell and motor sometimes become dry out of exposure to dust particles for an extended period.
Clogging due to dust particles often result to bending of plates and breaking of the ionizer plates. It is also recommended to change your filters every 6 months.
It is important to take extra caution when handling this air purifier. During GermGuardian reset, be sure to turn off any combustible gases or oxygen equipment before getting to the ionizer.
The risks cannot be overs stated. The ionizer needles blowing up in an environment with combustible gases is highly likely especially the machine is running. Carefully handle the precipitating cell to avoid physical damage from the delicate parts and sharp metal edges.
How To Troubleshoot
GermGuardian air purifier won’t turn on? Don’t worry, there are multiple possible causes to this and solutions. Before rushing to GermGuardian hepa reset, it is imperative to identify the specific cause of problem hence determine the most suitable approach in solving (repairing).
If your air purifier is not turning on, the first check should be on the source of power. Be sure the outlet is on the follow the cord t your gadget. You can switch it off adjust the electric cord before switching it back on. Sometimes, the electric cord is the cause of all this and you only need to replace.
The motor and fan are also possibilities to explore if your purifier won’t turn on. The fan hub might be broken or blocked and not functioning as manufacturer’s describe in the manual. Be sure to service these parts with help of a specialist or DIY by lubricating the blades and motor bearings.
Sometimes all you need to watch for is the GermGuardian blinking red light. If the red light is on, then you don’t need to look any further, check your filter. While it can be caused by defects in the power-filter process, when a GermGuardian red light it is often about the filter.
The light can be defective due to complications with electric circuits, in such a case it is either GermGuardian change filter light or GermGuardian reset filter light. Besides the red light that indicates defects on the filter, GermGuardian UV light blinking is not anything to assume with your air purifier.
On GermGuardian blinking red light or mere appearance of GermGuardian red light take immediate action. As mentioned, GermGuardian UV light blinking should also call for action; either GermGuardian reset filter light or GermGuardian change filter light.
You no longer have to spend on a new air purifier. Cut on the unnecessary expenses and diagnose the possible effects. Proper troubleshooting ensures effective solutions hence a free from pollution.