When it comes to choosing a good vacuum sealer for home use, there are several best FoodSaver model available in the market most of which are even amongst the best rated food saver units according to renowned sources online.
However needless to say, this review aims to cover the top 7 picks which we’ve chosen through careful analysis of what we think should be on the top of the list when choosing the best FoodSaver vacuum sealer for your home.
Our analysis was carried out based on insights which we derived across the web and to ensure that they are a suitable pick for any household and are capable of accomplishing any task which one may wish to do with it.
When researching for the best rated food saver system, it’s noteworthy to understand that the best food saver machine is often synonymous with the best FoodSaver vacuum sealer as they both aim to achieve the same task with different functionalities built into it.
In comparison to ordinary storage of beef and fish in the freezer, they typically last around 6 months, however these best rated FoodSaver system helps prolong this period up to 2 years.
FoodSaver 4840 2-in-1 Vacuum Sealing System
This is the best FoodSaver model in our list because its designed to be used for sealing canisters, containers and zip-lock bags without requiring much effort and due to its auto-bag detection system it only needs two easy actions to be used.
Food can be stored in the freezer up to five time its normal length of time and up to twice its normal shelf-life in the pantry. It also has a pull out drip tray drawer which is dishwasher safe and could easily be removed by carefully removing the drawer and thereafter removing the drip-tray.
Although this comes with a 5 year warranty, its preliminarily designed for the US and Canada market as it comes with support only for the 110V AC power supply. The use of voltage converters is not recommended as it could negatively impact the proper functioning of the product.
The maximum width of bags which this unit could accommodate is between 8 to 11 inches, in addition to pint, quart and gallon sized premade bags. This unit is therefore highly recommended for those who require a lot of sealing tasks done regularly at home on various kinds of accessories and not just zip bags.
Max bag size :– 8-11 inches
Power :– 127.2W/110V
Select FoodSaver FM2100 Vacuum Sealing System
This is one of the best FoodSaver machine as it comes with the ability to have the entire bag roll inserted into the device which greatly helps in reducing bag wastage and removing unnecessary clutter around the device. It’s also compatible with the handheld sealer of the series and comes backed by a 5 year limited warranty.
Freezer burns are also prevented by the device as it comes with a multi-layer material heat seal to ensure any residual air is removed from the food completely. This model also comes included with a starter kit which contains a 11×10 vacuum seal roll, 3 quart vacuum seal bags, 2 gallon vacuum seal bags and a detachable accessory hose.
This model is also capable of doing up to 30 consecutive seals and due to the fact that its temperature range is around 1850F it’s also suitable to be used for sous vide cooking.
Another great feature is that the hose or handheld sealer attachment could easily be used with the jar sealer accessories, thereby negating the need to purchasing multiple sealers for synonymous tasks.
This product is highly recommended for households which require an efficient manual vacuum sealing solution which offers great flexibility in storing almost any type of food in any form of storage material.
Max bag size:-11 inches
Power:– 120W/110V
>>Read our Full FoodSaver FM2100 Review
Select FoodSaver V2244 Vacuum Sealing System
This is one of the best FoodSaver machine models available which come with CrushFree Instant Seal technology which helps provide protection for delicate foods during the preservation process. It also has an accessory port and hose for vacuum sealing containers and canisters and sleek and compact design ensure that it wouldn’t require much space in the pantry.
Although it’s possible to vacuum seal vegetables with this device its highly recommended to blanch them first in order to prevent any loss of texture, colour of flavour as a result of any enzyme activity being stopped after the vacuum process has been completed.
Another important fact regarding this model is that when vacuum sealing liquids any fish, meat, fruits, vegetables etc should be flash freeze first as its moisture could compromise the seal and the integrity of the device itself.
Also when vacuum sealing literally any type of item, its also essential to note that there should always be at least 4 inches of empty space at the edge of the bag in order to have a proper seal carried out. As such, this makes a good choice for those who require regular vacuum sealing of fresh meat and vegetables as it would help store and prep food for weeks ahead and thereby reduce cooking time by a significant extent.
Max bag size :– 11 inches
Power :– 120W AC/110V
>>Read our Full FoodSaver V2244 Review
Select FoodSaver V3240 Vacuum Sealing System
This is one of the best FoodSaver model which has been designed for more intermediate and routine users of the product as it comes packed with several great additions in comparison with the other products in the series.
From its exterior appearance, it has an easy to use lock bar operation designed to secure the bag for vacuum sealing, which is available in two speeds for food types and two speeds for moist or dry food.
Its roll storage compartment is conveniently located with a built-in cutter to help create bags of literally any size. Similar to other products of the series it also comes with a removable drip tray to facilitate easy cleaning of the device.
One of the main advantages of this model is that it offers the dry/moist feature which is a great option in order to help those who require vacuum sealing almost anything they do not want to use immediately in the kitchen or counter top, thereby making this a better choice when choosing a vacuum sealer for home use, but then again it depends on the complexity and regular use which one may plan to have with the product.
Max bag size :– 12 inches
>>Read our Full FoodSaver V3240 Review
Select FoodSaver V3880 Vacuum Sealing System
For those searching for the best FoodSaver model in terms of modern design and sophisticated layouts, this is certainly a product which would meet those expectations as it not only comes with LED progress indicator lights but also it does not have any buttons to be pressed due to its fully automatic operation.
This model also comes with a retractable hose with a container adapter which could be used on any FoodSaver tupperware products. The seal/stop button is provided to help the user to stop the vacuuming process and immediately start sealing the bag.
Potato chip bags (i.e. Mylar bags) could also be sealed with this device to preserve its freshness for future use. This sort of machine is suitable for households which not only have a lot of meat, fish, fruits and vegetables to be sealed on a regular basis, but also requires vacuum sealing of snacks, potato chips, biscuits and other products.
The LED progress indicators also ensures that anyone of any age could easily understand and use the device correctly without making any mistakes when compared to other models in the series which could be subject to human error if the wrong buttons are being pressed and/or in the wrong order.
Power :– 133W
>>Read our Full FoodSaver V3880 Review
Select FoodSaver V4440 Vacuum Sealing System
This is yet another one of the best FoodSaver model units in the market as in addition to its dishwasher proof pull out tray drawer and handheld sealer unit it also comes with an automatic bag detection feature which is certainly a useful feature to have when vacuum sealing food in a hurry or in large quantities.
That said, it should also be noted that for regular sealing, it’s recommended to give it a 5-20 seconds rest in between in order to prevent malfunction or over-heating of the machine. Another cool feature of this model is that it also comes included with rapid marinate mode which allows one to marinate food without a couple of minutes as compared to several hours with other sealer systems.
Meat and fish should be pre-freezed at least an hour or two early prior to be vacuum sealed so that it would retain its juices and shape and get a lasting seal. Therefore to sum up, this particular model is suitable for those with a slight bigger budget for vacuum sealers and who expect superior service, as it basically provides literally all functionalities which one may expect to have from a vacuum sealer in their home.
Power :– 120V
Max bag size :– 11 inches
>>Read our Full FoodSaver V4440 Review
FoodSaver V4880 Vacuum Sealing System
As they say, save the best for last this is certainly one of the best FoodSaver models in their series which we’ve identified as it offers great functionality, has a modern style and appearance and provides uncompromising satisfaction.
Two unique features of this device is its fully automated bag detection system which starts the sealing process as soon as the item is placed correctly near the device, and the second unique feature is air tight heat sealer which removes any residual air with the choice of two vacuum speeds which adjust automatically according to the food type of either moist of dry food.
Its pulse vacuum feature also gives it the ability to manually pulse vacuum air out of the bags which is an efficient way of packaging soft and delicate items which have the tendency to get crushed or damaged during the sealing process.
In terms of product suitability, it basically boils down to one’s budget and sealing needs and complexities which would make this the best FoodSaver model to choose from for any home. And even though its fully automatic it doesn’t require professional advice in order to service, clean, maintain or use the product for any purpose.
>>Read our Full FoodSaver V4880 Review
In summary, it’s clear that each of the FoodSaver models which have been reviewed in this post offer great value for money it’s also important to understand that these are not suitable for those who,
· Use 240V AC electricity
· Do not practice sous vide cooking or cook their meals daily from scratch
· Require regular long term storage of meat, vegetables and fruits (as short term storage may not seem feasible due to the cost of bags needed to be used for the sealing process).
Nevertheless, for literally almost all other circumstances these vacuum sealers described above are certainly a great investment which one could make and it would continue to pay off within weeks and would also help save important prep time when cooking at home.
The reason we’ve chosen the FoodSaver brand for this review is also clear as it offers great reliability and uncompromised build quality which is not only backed by a 5 year warranty but also has been personally verified by hundreds of satisfied customers globally who’ve purchased the product via Amazon and other dealers.
The starter items which have been included with almost each of these FoodSaver models is also a great addon as it not only helps us save an initial amount on equipment but also ensures that we are aware of the right sort of items which need to be used with the device for best results.
Another important fact to be noted is that when choosing any of these vacuum sealers it should be noted that it’s not a wise choice to be made for short term food preservation as the cost of the bags would be considerably high, however for those who require a reasonable amount of long term preservation this is certainly a great investment to be made.
Accordingly, we suggest that when considering choosing the best FoodSaver model based on the best rated FoodSaver, it ultimately comes down to product standard and user requirements and once its been finalized, the most suitable product could easily be chosen to be purchased.